What is ISTDP?

ISTDP – Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy is an approach based on the psychoanalytical assumptions and attachment theory of John Bowlby, developed by Habib Davanloo in the 1960s.

Currently intensively developed by his successors in the USA and Europe (including Josette ten have de Labije, Robert Neborsky, Kees Cornelissen, Jon Frederickson, Patricia Coughllin della Selva, Allan Abbas). It refers to the achievements of psychology, psychotherapy, medicine and neuroscience.
The effectiveness of ISTDP is confirmed by numerous scientific studies.

In Poland, this innovative method of psychotherapy is becoming more and more popular, especially since there are already certified psychotherapists here who have completed advanced psychotherapeutic training in ISTDP entitling them to conduct independent psychotherapy in this trend.

What is ISTDP?

The patient’s attention is immediately focused on the problem in order to evoke a strong emotional experience.

Short term

Significant psychological effects and changes can be achieved in a relatively short time of working with the patient.


He deals with the unconscious processes and internal psychological conflicts that cause disorders.

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